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  Environmental Protection
 Add:Shunde District of Foshan City in Guangdong Province Yung Fung Road No. 2
  Environmental Protection  

    Environmental Organic Pollutants

  •          Petrochemical and organic synthesis industry is booming and increasingly widespread application of organic synthesis products, the rapid increase in human organic chemicals put into the environment. Organic chemicals of the world production of 700 million tons in 1950, world production of organic chemicals in 1970 to 63 million tons, an average annual increase of over 200 million tons, while world production of organic chemicals in 1985 reached 250 million tons (estimated).
             Based on 1970 statistics, for example, organic chemicals in the solvent for 10 million tons, and the detergent to 1.5 million tons. Pesticides to l00 million tons, 200 to 500 tons of lubricating oil and industrial oil. Human beings to put chemicals into the environment for a long time, it is estimated that synthetic chemicals in the past 100 years in the global environment has resulted in the background concentration slightly larger than zero to 1ppb consequences, the next l00 years of their concentration to increase by 1ppb 1ppm, severity, and cause a series of grave hazards of environmental pollution event.
             These chemicals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), N-nitrosamines, organochlorine pesticides, organophosphorus pesticides, tetraethyl lead, oil and hydrocarbons and a variety of organic solvents, plastics plasticized Liu. Dyes, paint. Coated shake and other organic pollution is very serious each common. Directly on human health effects, there are basically three aspects: acute toxicity, chronic toxicity and carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic effect. Worldwide in recent years, continue to lead to serious environmental pollution accidents and poisoning, it is because most of these chemicals are toxic pollutants.
             The control of toxic pollutants, the awareness of a process closely related to the measures taken and the level of production and scientific and technological development; control standards developed in the early projects are mostly based on the production capacity of the pollutants (or concentration)The high toxicity. Toxic acute toxicity to reflect, because of data easy to obtain, to reflect the amount of organic pollutants while indicators (BOD, the COD, the TOC, etc.). With the production and scientific and technological development, people's awareness of environmental issues is gradually deepened, and feel more and more rely on conventional projects, not enough to explain the environmental problems, but can not be objective response outside the environmental quality status. A large number of toxic pollutants, especially toxic organic compounds accounted for the vast proportion of the toxic chemicals are not included, while modern medicine pick up just to prove: even at low concentrations, the toxic organic compounds on human health and the environment caused by serious or even irreversible impact. The practice of scientific research and pollution further proof of the existence of these toxic organic compounds in the environment is characterized by: often difficult to degrade, and bioaccumulation and "three to" role (carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenic) or chronic toxicity, and distribution extensive, it may be latent in the water you sing; the air we breathe; eat food and vegetables. Fruit, fish eggs; the soil of plant growth: some through the migration, conversion and enrichment levels can be increased several times or even hundreds of times, is a potential threat to the ecological environment and human health.


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